• How to Treat a Minor Burn at Home

    How to Treat a Minor Burn at Home

    Burns are wounds to the skin or other tissues resulting from heat, chemicals, electricity, sunlight, or radiation. We categorize them into three main degrees based on the severity of the damage. Doctors categorize burns in degrees. We label a minor burn as a first-degree burn. People typically treat these at home and do not require

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  • Dehydration Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

    Dehydration Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

    Dehydration happens when the body loses more fluids than it takes in. This leads to an inadequate amount of water to carry out normal bodily functions. Dehydration can result from several factors, including excessive sweating, prolonged illness, diarrhea, vomiting, or simply not consuming enough fluids. We will explore the common symptoms and highlight what to

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  • Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Relief Tips

    Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Relief Tips

    Anxiety is a natural response to stress or perceived danger. It can present itself as sensations of fear, anxiety, or discomfort. A normal and often beneficial reaction helps individuals prepare for challenging situations. However, it can become a concern or problem when it affects your everyday life. Various forms of anxiety include generalized anxiety disorder

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  • Cold Weather Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

    Cold Weather Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

    Most people affected with allergies start crossing their fingers and refreshing their medication the minute they get one whiff of Spring’s bounty of grasses, trees, and flowers. However, once cooler weather hits, there’s another segment of the population that prepares itself for Mother Nature’s mischief. The mayhem surprisingly can happen indoors too as people escape

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  • Common Sports Injuries: Treatment and Prevention Tips

    Common Sports Injuries: Treatment and Prevention Tips

    Sports injuries are injuries that occur in athletic activities. In many cases, these injuries are due to overuse or acute trauma of a part of the body when participating in a certain activity. For example, Runner’s Knee is a painful condition generally associated with running, while Tennis Elbow is a form of repetitive motion injury

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  • Back to School Health: Tips for Parents

    Back to School Health: Tips for Parents

    Back-to-school health is incredibly important for both parents and children. A time exists when everyone needs to focus on staying healthy and maintaining good habits. The close quarters of a school environment can facilitate the spread of illnesses. Parents should pay attention to their children’s physical and mental well-being during this time. Making sure kids

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  • Insect Bites and Stings: Symptoms and Treatment

    Insect Bites and Stings: Symptoms and Treatment

    Summer certainly is one of the most fun times of the year. Although, all too common are bites and stings. You can be bitten by a variety of insects including midges, mosquitoes, horseflies, fleas, lice, and ants and some people react worse to bites and stings than others. We are going to explore what some

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  • Food Poisoning: A Common Summer Ailment

    Food Poisoning: A Common Summer Ailment

    Did You Know? Food Poisoning is a Common Summer Ailment. This happens because some people do not properly clean or take care of their food, allowing it to sit in the summer heat before they consume it.  Summer may not be the first season you associate with feeling unwell. However, the warm months can lead

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  • Sunburn Treatment and Prevention Facts

    Sunburn Treatment and Prevention Facts

    That time of the year again! The Summer season, is the time of sun, heat, and fun. As fun as the Summer season may be, too much sun is never a good thing. Here we explain the common Summer ailment of sunburn. What it is, how to prevent it, and treatments. What Are The Signs

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  • The Best Self-Care Tips and Vitamins for Beautiful Skin

    The Best Self-Care Tips and Vitamins for Beautiful Skin

    Taking care of your skin is important, and many simple at-home treatments can help maintain healthy and beautiful skin. Using natural ingredients like aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice to adopting good habits like wearing sunscreen daily and removing makeup before bed, there are plenty of ways to promote skin health.

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